A Private of the late 1880s, wearing the seven button, home service frock (a frock may be reasonably described in the same way as a lady’s frock, as a loose fitting working garment), with the blue facings (collar & cuffs) of a royal regiment. He wears blue trousers, with a quarter inch red welt down the outside seam. Buttons are brass other ranks general service type. Collar dogs are of Regimental Pattern.
The headdress is a Glengarry, with a red Tourrie (the bobble on the top) which again signifies a royal regiment.
He carries basic equipment only of a white buff (short for Buffalo) leather belt, on which are carried his bayonet frog and bayonet, and a single ammunition pouch, which in this case is carried at the front, signifying that he is carrying ammunition.
His rifle is the Martini-Henry .577/450” breech-loader, the first purpose built breech-loading rifle to be issued to the British army, from 1873.